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Crop forecast for this year: rice production is up by 14%, buckwheat harvest remains stable, while oat production is decreasing.

Crop forecast for this year: rice production is up by 14%, buckwheat harvest remains stable, while oat production is decreasing.

Buckwheat harvest will decrease to 1.1 million tons (last year - 1.22 million tons), but it will not affect the demand. Rice harvest will increase by 14% to 1.05 million tons, oat harvest will decrease to 3.5 million tons, and millet will increase to 330 thousand tons. The areas under buckwheat and rice in Russia have expanded. Buckwheat has reached a six-year high, while the area under rice has remained average. Buckwheat will be slightly below last year's record level, while rice production will increase. Millet production will significantly increase, while buckwheat will decrease due to the weather. The rice harvest will meet the demand.

20 February 2024 20 February 2024

It is forecasted that this year buckwheat harvest will amount to around 1.1 million tons, which is slightly less than last year (1.22 million tons). In this regard, the company's CEO, Vladimir Petrichenko, stated that this slight decrease will not impact domestic consumption. However, it is expected that rice harvest will reach 1.05 million tons, which is 14% more than last year. Meanwhile, oat harvest will decrease from 4.5 million tons to 3.5 million tons, and millet will increase from 307 thousand tons to 330 thousand tons.

According to Rosstat data, specialists note that in 2023 the areas under buckwheat and rice in Russia have increased compared to the previous year. Rudolf Bulavin, the head of the crop production department at the "Center for Agroanalytics" of the Ministry of Agriculture, commented that final data may vary, but the area under buckwheat has reached a six-year high, and the area under rice has become average for the period of 2017-2021. Last year, the sowing area decreased. Based on spring accounting data, the rice area will be around 190 thousand hectares, which is 7.4% more than last year. Bulavin predicts an increase in gross rice harvest under favorable agrometeorological conditions and average yields. Last year, the harvest was 923 thousand tons.

The sowing areas of buckwheat, as per spring accounting data, have also increased to nearly 1.29 million hectares. Initially, the Ministry of Agriculture expected the buckwheat area to be around 1.15 million hectares. It is expected that the buckwheat harvest will be below the record level reached last year, however, the overall level will be approximately the same as last year. Bulavin emphasizes that the final harvest volume will be determined by weather conditions during maturation and harvesting. In the Krasnodar Territory, it is expected that the rice harvest will be at the level of last year.

The areas under cereal crops (except oats) have significantly increased this year, as a result of high prices in the previous season, reports independent grain market expert Alexander Korbut. The area under millet will be 298 thousand hectares compared to 240 thousand hectares last year, and the oat area will decrease from 2.17 million hectares to 1.9 million hectares. Korbut stresses that a significant part of millet and buckwheat production is carried out by small and medium-sized agricultural firms that need support and incentives to ensure stability in the supply to large enterprises.

Overall, a good harvest is expected this year, which will be beneficial for the future. It is anticipated that millet production will significantly increase from 307 thousand tons last year to 410 thousand tons this year. Buckwheat harvest may be lower than in 2022, around 1.05 million tons, due to weather anomalies in the Altai and the Volga region. It is expected that rice harvest will range from 1.05 to 1.1 million tons. According to the expert, this will be sufficient to meet domestic demand.

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