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Продажи сельхозтехники в России продолжают снижаться, несмотря на увеличение оборотов в денежном выражении
Agricultural machinery

Продажи сельхозтехники в России продолжают снижаться, несмотря на увеличение оборотов в денежном выражении

The association explained the reduction in agricultural machinery sales by the low solvency of farmers. The government support program does not completely solve the problem due to insufficient funding. Dealers are facing low demand for equipment, except for unique models. High credit rates also complicate the situation.

23 April 2024 23 April 2024

In the association, the abbreviation of agricultural machinery sales is explained by the low solvency of farmers. It was mentioned that both foreign and domestic models are purchased only in those rare cases when agricultural producers have funds left after purchasing fertilizers, seeds, fuel, repaying loans, and other expenses.

In "Rosspecmash", it was also noted that this problem is currently the main obstacle to timely modernization of the already significantly outdated domestic fleet of equipment. It was reminded that the majority of models available in the Russian market have been in use for more than 10, and sometimes even 15 years.

A positive aspect in the organization was called government support within the "Program 1432" (named after the corresponding Government decree - ROSNG), under which farmers can purchase agricultural machinery localized in Russia. However, manufacturers consider the current funding volume of eight billion rubles insufficient and request to increase it to at least 20 billion, as well as to take other measures, including lifting restrictions on agricultural exports.

The chairman of the association of agricultural machinery dealers (ASHOD) and a member of the Expert Council of ROSNG, Alexander Altynov, pointed out that dealers' warehouses are overflowing with both domestic and foreign equipment. This indicates low demand for domestic models. Exceptions, according to the expert, are types of machinery that have no analogues in Russia, for example, sugar beet harvesters.

Dmitry Babansky from SBS Consulting also confirmed the lack of solvency among farmers. Another problem contributing to this, he mentioned, are high interest rates, which make it difficult to purchase agricultural machinery and equipment on lease.

At the same time, the increase in production and sales of agricultural machinery and equipment in monetary terms can be explained by active construction of the corresponding infrastructure and high prices with active exports.

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