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Transportation of fertilizers for export by rail increased by 32% in April

Transportation of fertilizers for export by rail increased by 32% in April

Transportation indicators for fertilizer by rail to Latin American countries increased by 27% in April, reaching 1.14 million tons. Shipments to China and India decreased by 40% compared to the previous month.

17 May 2023 17 May 2023

Transportation of fertilizers through the Russian Railways network for export in April increased by 32% compared to the same month in 2022, to 2.53 million tons, follows from the materials of the company, Interfax reports.

By March 2023, the indicator increased slightly, by 1.4%.

In April, 1.14 million tons of fertilizers were sent to Latin American countries (an increase of 27% compared to March). Deliveries to China and India decreased by almost 40% compared to the previous month - to 0.13 and 0.12 million tons, respectively.

Shipments to the EU countries amounted to 0.23 million tons, an increase of almost 5% compared to March. In the direction of Switzerland, the traditional jurisdiction of foreign traders of Russian manufacturers, 0.62 million tons of fertilizers were transported (in March - 0.67 million tons).

Export to the CIS countries amounted to 0.14 million tons.

In January-April 2023, export transportation of fertilizers through the Russian Railways network decreased by 2.6% compared to the same period last year, to 9.7 million tons. Export through border crossings fell by 41%, to 2 million tons, through ports - increased by 18% and amounted to 7.7 million tons.

International transit transportation of fertilizers increased by 8 times by January-April 2022, reaching 2.9 million tons.

Domestic transportation increased by 5% and amounted to 11.75 million tons.

The total volume of fertilizer transportation by rail in four months of 2023 increased by 14% in annual terms, to 24.8 million tons. In April, this figure amounted to 6.24 million tons, having decreased by 3% compared to March.

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