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Grain supply negotiations: Russia, Turkey, and Qatar are ready for further discussions.
Winter crops

Grain supply negotiations: Russia, Turkey, and Qatar are ready for further discussions.

Russia, Turkey, and Qatar will continue negotiations on grain supplies at the highest level. The results are not yet defined, but Russia is actively involved. Putin is ready to resume the deal after the conditions are met. It is planned to supply 1 million tons of grain to Turkey at a preferential price.

14 May 2024 14 May 2024

Negotiations on grain supplies involving Russia, Turkey, and Qatar will be continued in the near future at the highest level. The press secretary of the President of Russia, Dmitry Peskov, stated that there are no specific results yet.

He noted that the discussion on this topic will continue both at a high level in Moscow today during the visit of the Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, and in the near future. Peskov pointed out that it is difficult to say how successful these negotiations will be, but Russia, as a responsible grain supplier, is actively participating in them.

The press secretary also recalled President Vladimir Putin's statement about the country's readiness to promptly resume the grain deal after the fulfillment of the corresponding conditions.

Representatives of Russia and Turkey stated yesterday before the negotiations in Moscow that they intend to work on the conditions for implementing Putin's initiative, which involves organizing the supply of 1 million tons of Russian grain to Turkey at a preferential price with financial support from Qatar for further processing in Turkish enterprises and shipment to countries in need.

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