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The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is ready to adjust the export duty on grain, maintaining the positive dynamics of the industry until 2024: State Duma news.

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is ready to adjust the export duty on grain, maintaining the positive dynamics of the industry until 2024: State Duma news.

The Ministry of Agriculture will not cancel the export duty on grain, but is ready to make adjustments. Patrushev confirmed the desire to reduce the financial burden on producers, reported plans to supply fuel for agricultural work, and emphasized the need for collaborative efforts to increase production by 2030. Furthermore, the government has extended the "Agricultural Products Export" project to promote the export of agricultural products.

21 March 2024 21 March 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia does not intend to abolish the duty on grain exports, but is ready to make adjustments to it in connection with the current situation. This was stated by Minister Dmitry Patrushev during a meeting of the Committee on Agrarian Issues of the State Duma.

"For three years, we have been discussing this issue. We will not abolish the duty, but we are ready to adjust it, taking into account the current realities. We did this at the beginning of the last agricultural season and will do it at the beginning of this season. Although I cannot specify the exact figures by which we will adjust the duty, we will try to reduce the financial burden on grain producers," the minister said.

He also noted that the industry concluded the last year with positive results in key indicators, and the positive trend continues in 2024. "Currently, the department is focused on the qualitative implementation of spring field work. We have provided farmers with the necessary resources - seeds, equipment, fuel, agrochemicals, and financial support. It is expected that in 2024, the level of production will allow to fully saturate the domestic market and meet export obligations," Patrushev noted.

He also announced an agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Energy on fuel supplies for agricultural work. "We have a plan for the supply of fuel for agricultural work, and the Ministry of Energy is implementing it. Regions will receive fuel at fixed prices," the minister said.

In order to achieve the task set by the president in the address to the Federal Assembly to increase agricultural production by a quarter by 2030 compared to the 2021 level, joint work of the executive and legislative authorities is required. The development of the industry will be facilitated by improving the legislative framework, increasing the efficiency of state support, and strengthening dialogue with business, science, and other stakeholders, emphasized the head of the Ministry of Agriculture.

As part of the task to increase agricultural and food industry exports by 1.5 times by 2030 compared to the 2021 level, the government approved the extension of the federal project "Export of Agricultural Products." The minister noted the importance of this decision, as it provides for corresponding measures of financial and non-financial support.

During the meeting, Deputy from the Orenburg region Andrey Anikeev proposed amending the law "On the Development of Agriculture" for the accelerated implementation of information systems. He noted that this law creates conditions for the development of digital services in the agro-industrial complex, but its entry into force is planned for March 2026. Therefore, the deputy proposed to conduct additional work to launch digital services as early as June of this year, considering the readiness of many services at the moment.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture supported the proposal and asked the deputies to jointly revise the existing legislation. "We will support these amendments," Patrushev assured.

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