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Changes in the Mexican fish market offer new opportunities for exporters, including Russian producers.

Changes in the Mexican fish market offer new opportunities for exporters, including Russian producers.

In Mexico, the structure of the fishery product market has changed due to the pandemic, providing new opportunities for exporters. Russia can compete, but it will be challenging.

Mexico has increased its exports and imports of agricultural products. Russian exporters have a favorable moment to explore new markets, including Mexico.

6 May 2024 6 May 2024

The structure of the fish market in Mexico has undergone changes during the pandemic, opening up new perspectives for exporters. Experts claim that Russia has something to offer Mexican consumers, but it will be difficult to compete with rivals.

According to the data of the Agricultural Markets Consulting Group (GCMA), Mexico has increased both exports and imports of agricultural products since the beginning of 2024. For Russian exporters, this may be a favorable moment to explore a new market. Herman Zverev, the president of the All-Russian Association of Fishery Industry (VARPE), in a comment to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Agroexport," as reported by, shared insights on the prospects of exporting Russian fish products to Mexico.

Historically, the main component of domestic sales has been fresh seafood, with the share of frozen and processed products accounting for less than 30%, notes the expert. However, the situation changed during the pandemic, as Mexicans started to purchase packaged processed fish and ready-to-eat seafood more frequently. Even after the pandemic, the demand for frozen products has not decreased, thus opening up opportunities for foreign suppliers.

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