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External property management

Term meaning External property management

one of the measures applied to a faulty debtor. It consists in the transfer of management functions of the debtor enterprise (bankrupt) to a special person - an arbitration manager appointed by the arbitration court. It is used as a way to bring an enterprise out of a crisis. Such a measure is applied if there is reason to believe that the debtor's solvency can be restored, while in order to continue its activities, it is enough to sell part of the property and take some other measures of an economic or organizational nature. The maximum period for which V.u.i. can be appointed is 18 months. For all this time, a deferral of satisfaction of creditors' claims (moratorium) is announced, which applies to the debts of the legal entity that arose before the appointment of external management. V.u.i. ends with the restoration of the debtor's solvency or its recognition as insolvent (bankrupt), in connection with which a competitive process is initiated.

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