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This year, an order of magnitude more buckwheat has been harvested, already now it is 1.2 million tons. How will this affect the market as a whole?

This year, an order of magnitude more buckwheat has been harvested, already now it is 1.2 million tons. How will this affect the market as a whole?

Ministry of Agriculture: Russia has harvested a bumper crop of buckwheat.

23 November 2022 23 November 2022

According to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, the year 2022 has become super productive for buckwheat. And it is possible that there will be even more of it than the end consumer needs, since even the harvest of last year has not yet been fully realized.
This year's harvest made it possible to collect 11.4 centners per hectare, which is almost 1.6 centners more than last year.
The Altai Territory, and this region, which takes on about 50% of the total buckwheat planting in Russia, harvested it by 17% more than last year. Also, high rates for the collection of buckwheat from the Kursk, Voronezh and Oryol regions. By increasing the area under crops, Bashkortostan made a huge contribution.
As noted in the department, a rich harvest makes it possible not only to increase sales in the domestic market, but also to increase export supplies of buckwheat. Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan are currently the main buyers of buckwheat in the foreign market, and thanks to the high harvest, we will be able to increase exports to these countries. After the appearance of a new crop, a decrease in the cost of buckwheat on store shelves was noted. Since June, it has been declining by 2-4% every month.
Buckwheat for Russia is already a certain indicator of the state of affairs in the camp. At any turning points, buckwheat is bought by the population with a large supply. But, as at the beginning of the pandemic, and now, no shortage of products is expected.

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