
Analysis of price monitoring data for soft wheat

General dynamics of average price soft wheat from 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024

Dynamics of the average price soft wheat from 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024

Monitoring reflects the dynamics of purchase prices of processing and grain trading organizations. The schedule is based on the prices of RUB/t without VAT. The data is updated weekly and is the basis for calculating the commodity index (Producer Price Index, PPI). The index is an indicator of the current average price level and is calculated as the weighted average price of the regions.
Dynamics by city
3 class
4 class
5 class
City Price RUB/t
Recommended Azov
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
14287.50 RUB
146.10  EUR
158.41  USD
1151.96  CNY
Recommended Novorossiysk
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
14818.18 RUB
151.53  EUR
164.30  USD
1194.74  CNY
Recommended Rostov-on-Don
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
13385.00 RUB
136.87  EUR
148.41  USD
1079.19  CNY
Recommended Taganrog
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
13700.00 RUB
140.09  EUR
151.90  USD
1104.59  CNY
12181.75 RUB
124.57  EUR
135.07  USD
982.18  CNY
11900.00 RUB
121.69  EUR
131.94  USD
959.46  CNY
10380.00 RUB
106.14  EUR
115.09  USD
836.91  CNY
Recommended Azov
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
11847.50 RUB
121.15  EUR
131.36  USD
955.23  CNY
Recommended Novorossiysk
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
13620.00 RUB
139.28  EUR
151.01  USD
1098.14  CNY
Recommended Rostov-on-Don
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
11122.58 RUB
113.74  EUR
123.32  USD
896.78  CNY
Recommended Taganrog
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
11600.00 RUB
118.62  EUR
128.62  USD
935.27  CNY
7954.50 RUB
81.34  EUR
88.20  USD
641.35  CNY
11475.00 RUB
117.34  EUR
127.23  USD
925.19  CNY
11025.00 RUB
112.74  EUR
122.24  USD
888.91  CNY
13575.00 RUB
138.82  EUR
150.51  USD
1094.51  CNY
9130.00 RUB
93.36  EUR
101.23  USD
736.12  CNY
Recommended Azov
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
10290.00 RUB
105.22  EUR
114.09  USD
829.65  CNY
Recommended Novorossiysk
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
12906.67 RUB
131.98  EUR
143.10  USD
1040.63  CNY
Recommended Rostov-on-Don
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
9858.62 RUB
100.81  EUR
109.31  USD
794.87  CNY
Recommended Taganrog
Domestic Russian purchase prices for the port cities of the Black and Azov Seas
9900.00 RUB
101.24  EUR
109.77  USD
798.21  CNY
6364.00 RUB
65.08  EUR
70.56  USD
513.11  CNY
10800.00 RUB
110.44  EUR
119.75  USD
870.77  CNY
12900.00 RUB
131.91  EUR
143.03  USD
1040.09  CNY
7680.00 RUB
78.53  EUR
85.15  USD
619.22  CNY
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Soft wheat - wholesale purchase prices per week
Monitoring reflects the dynamics of purchase prices of processing and grain trading organizations. The schedule is based on the prices of RUB/t without VAT. The data is updated weekly and is the basis for calculating the commodity index (Producer Price Index, PPI).
Prices are collected from the websites of companies once a week, until 09:00 (Moscow time) and until 20:00 (Moscow time) and are for informational purposes only. is not responsible for the discrepancy between the prices presented and the current sales prices.
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