

Мы свяжем вас с потенциальными партнерами и поможем заключить выгодную сделку в сфере сельского хозяйства.

Не упустите возможность расширить свой бизнес и увеличить прибыль.

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Fork Work

Fork Work

На Fork Work собраны эксперты и профессионалы в области сельского хозяйства, которые готовы поделиться своими знаниями и опытом для решения различных задач.

Подробнее о сервисе
1 june
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Securities owner

Значение термина Securities owner

a legal or natural person who owns the securities on the basis of ownership or other real right. The rights of holders to issued securities of a documentary form of issue are certified by certificates (if the certificates are held by the holders) or by certificates and records on depo accounts in depositories (if the certificates are deposited with the depository). The rights of holders to equity securities of non-documentary form of issue are certified in the system of maintaining the register of holders of securities by entries on personal accounts with the registrar or, in the case of recording rights to securities in a depositary, by entries on depo accounts in depositories.

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