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20 июля 2024

Shrivelled Grain Found in Wheat Stock Purchased by Punjab Agencies Ranges from 10 to 20%, Central Team Reports


Shrivelled wheat grain percentage between 10-20%: Central team | Cities News,The Indian Express Shrivelled wheat grain percentage between 10-20%: Central team The central teams that recently visited Punjab to reassess proportion of shrivelled grain in wheat procured by Punjab agencies have found that the proportion of such grain in the samples collected by them stands […]

The recent visit of central teams to Punjab aimed at reassessing the proportion of shrivelled grain in the wheat stock purchased by Punjab agencies has revealed that the percentage of such grain in the collected samples ranges from 10 to 20 percent.

Shrivelled wheat grain percentage between 10-20%: Central team

The central teams, which were dispatched to Punjab for the purpose of re-evaluating the amount of shrunken seed present in the wheat acquired by Punjab agencies, have ascertained that the proportion of such seed in the samples gathered by them falls within the range of 10 to 20 per cent.

Based on the original source...

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