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18 апреля 2024

Famsun Group to Build 1.5 Million Ton Grain Terminal at Mahachkala Seaport, Boosting Capacity Threefold


Китайский холдинг Famsun Group намерен построить в Махачкалинском морском торговом порту зерновой терминал мощностью перевалки 1,5 млн тонн в год, сообщает Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Дагестана в своём Telegram-канале. Соответствующий проект в столице Дагестана презентовали вице-президент холдинга Жанг Е и руководитель представительства компании в России Михаил Макеев в присутствии депутата Госдумы Хизри Абакарова. Предполагается, что

Famsun Group, a Chinese holding company, has announced its intention to construct a grain terminal with a handling capacity of 1.5 million tons per year at the Mahachkala seaport, as reported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Dagestan in its Telegram channel.

The corresponding project was presented in the capital of Dagestan by the Vice President of the holding, Zhang E, and the head of the company's representative office in Russia, Mikhail Makeev, in the presence of State Duma Deputy Khizri Abakarov.

The new grain terminal is expected to have a capacity of 1.5 million tons per year, with a one-time storage capacity of up to 100,000 tons. Currently, the handling capacity of the Mahachkala port is 500,000 tons per year.

In 2023, the Mahachkala seaport increased its cargo turnover by 5.9% to 2.939 million tons, according to Interfax. Acting CEO of the port, Rustam Kerimov, noted that the main drivers of the growth in cargo turnover were the export of grain crops and the import of building materials.

The Makhachkala Sea Port is Russia's only non-freezing and deep-water port on the Caspian Sea, capable of accommodating vessels up to 150 meters long with a draft of up to 4.5 meters, as stated on its website. It includes complexes for handling dry bulk cargo (with a capacity of 3 million tons per year), light and dark petroleum products (7.9 million tons), quays for general, bulk, and container cargoes (1.2 million tons), railway and ferry terminals (1.3 million tons), and a grain terminal (0.5 million tons).

Famsun Group specializes in the development and supply of integrated solutions in the field of grain milling, processing, and storage equipment, as well as the processing of oilseeds. The holding has developed over 700 models of machinery. Famsun Group manages five manufacturing sites, over 50 sales and service agencies, as well as spare parts warehouses worldwide. The headquarters of the holding is located in Yangzhou, China.

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