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Latest news on duties on wheat and corn
agricultural products

Latest news on duties on wheat and corn

The Ministry of Agriculture has established new rates of customs duties on grain. The duty on wheat will increase to 4,544.9 rubles per ton, remain zero for barley, and decrease to 1,102.6 rubles for corn. The changes will come into effect on November 15 and will be valid for one week. Customs duties will be calculated in rubles, and the base prices were revised in June 2023. The new rates contribute to the strengthening of the domestic market and the protection of domestic producers. The Ministry of Agriculture will continue to monitor price dynamics and the market. This is important for the stability and development of agriculture in Russia.

10 November 2023 10 November 2023

The report of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation indicates that the new rates of customs duties will be in effect from November 15 to 21. According to these changes, the export duty on wheat will increase by 15.2 rubles and amount to 4544.9 rubles per ton, while the duty on barley will remain zero, and the duty on corn will decrease by 188.6 rubles to 1102.6 rubles per ton .

The level of duties for the coming week was calculated based on indicative prices per ton of goods. According to the report, the indicative price for wheat will be $253.1 (compared to $252.2 the previous week), for barley - $165.5 ($165.4 the previous week), and for corn - $188 ($190.4 the previous week). week).

Starting from July 6, 2022, grain duties began to be calculated in rubles rather than in dollars. Duties account for 70% of the difference between the base and indicative prices. The reference prices for calculating export duties on wheat, barley and corn have been revised from June 7, 2023. The price of wheat was increased by 2 thousand rubles and is 17 thousand rubles per ton. The price for barley and corn was set at 15,875 rubles per ton of each product.

These changes in customs duty rates have a significant impact on the grain export industry. Duty rates will help strengthen the domestic market and protect the interests of domestic producers. The Ministry of Agriculture will continue to monitor the dynamics of indicative prices and the further development of the export market in order to make informed decisions on customs duty rates in the future.

These changes will ensure stability and balance in the grain market, which is an important aspect of the development of agriculture in Russia. The Ministry of Agriculture will continue efforts to ensure the effective functioning of the grain sector and maintain competitiveness in world markets.

Ultimately, these new customs duty rates reflect the desire of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture to effectively regulate grain exports and maintain stability in the domestic market. This will ensure the interests of domestic agricultural producers and contribute to the prosperity of agriculture in Russia.

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